Project Description
- linden blossom – enough to fill a 10 liter container;
- 7 lemons,
- 7 liters of water,
- 5-6 kg of sugar,
- 2 bags of citric acid.
Wash the linden flowers and fill it up with mineral water, wash the lemons well. Squeeze their juice and cut the peels into small pieces. Add them to the linden blossom in a balloon and pour cold mineral water to the top. Also add limontus. Leave the balloon in a cool place for 48 hours. Then place the funnel on another empty balloon and strain the liquid through gauze. Add sugar and stir occasionally until dissolved. When the sugar has dissolved, pour into glass bottles. Store them in the refrigerator. Metal utensils and cutlery should not be used during preparation. Dilute the syrup with cold water / adjust the ratio to taste /, and serve with lemon slices and ice cubes.